Federal Member For Banks
Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs

State Government Must Reverse Decision To Close Peakhurst West Pool

The NSW Government has announced that the Peakhurst West community pool will close today (December 6). Community users of the pool were informed of this late on December 5.

This decision is completely unacceptable in my view and must be reversed.

The pool has been a part of our local area since 1961, when it was built and paid for by the community.

To close the pool with one day’s notice shows a lack of respect for the many groups who rely upon the facility. Hundreds of local residents are involved in community groups that use the pool, and they are in the middle of the swimming season.

The reasons provided by the Government for the closure of the pool are wholly inadequate. If the Government wanted to keep the pool open, it could do so.

Please sign the petition below if you are concerned about the closure of the pool. I will ensure that the NSW Government is made aware of the views of our community on this very important issue.