Joint Press Release
The Coalition welcomes the Commonwealth Government’s publication today of the Chief Scientists’ Rapid Response Information Report on Generative AI, and the Department of Industry, Science and Resources’ discussion paper on these issues.
The development of AI, and particularly generative AI, is likely to have profound consequences for Australia.
AI represents the most significant technology development since the creation of the Internet itself.
While much of the public commentary on AI focuses on its potential risks, we must also be cognisant of the very substantial benefits that will flow from the technology.
There is likely to be a role for Government in mitigating the risks of AI. But it is also important that Government does not over-reach, in the process stifling innovation.
To succeed in the future economy, Australia must succeed in AI. As a nation, we cannot simply be users of AI. We need a flourishing AI sector, in which Australian businesses compete with the best in the world. The Government must play its part in helping to make this happen.
The Government should also act quickly to ensure that the intellectual property of Australian businesses is protected in an AI world. Generative AI models are likely drawing on the intellectual property of Australian companies today, without paying any compensation to those IP owners.
The Government needs to move now to put in place intellectual property protections for the Australian media sector, and other affected sectors.
The Hon. David Coleman MP
Federal Member for Banks
Shadow Minister for Communications
The Hon. Paul Fletcher MP
Shadow Minister for Government Services and the Digital Economy
Shadow Minister for Science and the Arts
Manager of Opposition Business in the House