Federal Member For Banks
Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs


The Federal Government has provided $500,000 for a major upgrade of the main playing field at Peakhurst Park.

Work is currently underway to level the field in preparation for its resurfacing and restoration ahead of the 2022 season.

The field had been plagued with issues for some time. In previous years, matches at Peakhurst Park have had to be rescheduled or in some cases cancelled due to its poor condition.

The improvements that we’re making to the main playing field will mean players from Peakhurst United and visiting clubs will have a reliable surface to train and play on next year. The project is expected to be completed in the coming months.

New lighting will also be installed this month at Peakhurst Park using funds from a Federal grant towards improving lighting at grounds in the St George area.

While providing access to synthetic surfaces is a good thing, it’s also important that we maintain our existing natural grass fields, which are used for an overwhelming majority of matches in St George.

I will continue to seek funding to improve our local sporting infrastructure and grounds.