Federal Member For Banks
Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs


David Coleman MP, Federal Member for Banks, is calling on the Federal Government to provide funding to upgrade PJ Ferry Hall in Allawah.

The hall, which is situated on the PJ Ferry Reserve, is used by many local community groups and residents for a variety of activities and events.

With few similar facilities in the Allawah / Carlton area, PJ Ferry Hall plays a particularly important role in hosting local community events.

In 2018, Mr Coleman was able to secure Federal funding from the previous Government to upgrade the amenities. The upgrade included overall improved accessibility to the hall, repairs to the bathroom facilities and upgrades to the kitchen.

Whilst these upgrades have been very positive for the community, Mr Coleman is seeking Federal funding for further upgrades of the hall including an extension of the building.

“PJ Ferry Hall is the only major community centre in the Allawah area. It is a very important community asset, but it needs to be upgraded to better serve the community,” Mr Coleman said.

“I would like to see the Federal Government support PJ Ferry Hall and will be working with my Coalition colleagues to secure funding commitments for the site.”