Federal Member For Banks
Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs


David Coleman MP, Federal Member for Banks, continues to campaign on behalf of Southern Bankstown residents against Canterbury-Bankstown Council’s plans which would see thousands more people move into quiet suburban areas.

“Council says that it is required to make these huge rezoning changes but has never adequately explained the detail to residents,” Mr Coleman said. “The fact is that the scale of these proposals exceeds any development target that has ever been given to Council.”

The plan would see around 11,000 additional residents in Padstow, 7,000 in Revesby and 4,000 in Panania. It would also result in a doubling of the population in East Hills.

“Council must be clear with the local community about why it is proposing such extraordinary increases in development,” Mr Coleman said. “This plan is wrong and all Councillors should vote to stop it.”

A critical Council vote on the Southern Bankstown Plan is expected to be held shortly.

“Councillors are under no obligation to support this plan which will permanently change the area against the wishes of local residents,” Mr Coleman said. “It is time for the Council to develop a more modest plan for the future of our area.”