Mr David Coleman MP, Federal Member for Banks today hosted Kelly O’Dwyer MP, the Minister for Revenue and Financial Services at a Small Business Forum.
Local small business owners attended the forum which was held at Club Central in Hurstville.
“Small businesses employ 6.5 million Australians and forums such as this one provide a great opportunity to talk to owners about the issues they are facing,” Minister O’Dwyer said.
Several business owners raised issues relating to regulation including the cost impact of regulations as well as the seemingly unnecessary duplication of regulations and charges across the different levels of government.
Issues around local infrastructure, planning rules and the availability of parking were discussed.
Business owners also raised the significant costs associated with processing electronic transactions and the difficulties faced by small businesses dealing with large companies.
Minister O’Dwyer spoke about the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman which provides for dispute resolution outside of the court system.
“As a Government our role is put the right foundations in place to give small businesses every opportunity for success, Mr Coleman said. “It was good to meet with so many local businesspeople this morning.”